Villa Jovanovic - Ivanjica, Rascici

Just 2-3 km from the center of Ivanjica, in the village of Raščići, there is Villa “Jovanović”, which consists of four accommodation units, namely two apartments (one with three individual beds and one with two individual beds) and two rooms with two individual beds each. . .
The total number of individual beds is nine.
Apartments are categorized with 4 stars, and rooms with 3 stars.

Villa “Jovanović” is our recommendation for your vacation in the immediate vicinity of Ivanjica.
Structure/beds: Apartments: 1/2-floor, 1/3-floor + single; Rooms: 1/2-f, 1/2-single;. Total: 4/9

Contact info

Tel: + 381 (32) 650 – 000 ;
Mob: + 381 (62) 413-125


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